巫女 Miko" is a Japanese word describe a woman who can communucate with the spirit world of Gods, but in modern days, this word almost always means a woman who work at Shinto shirine, for example those girls who wear stunningly clean and beautiful traditional clothes, sit at the counter of shirine's office as a receptionist, sometimes help visiters buy goods. Exactly the girls you see in the blow picture.
Girls work at a shrine's store selling religious goods on New Years Eve |
Not to mention, Miko is a famous object for
Otaku's craving, because overlapping of sacred elements and esthetics of Japanese traditional attire stirs up something in their minds. Yes, you can guess it's a kind of forbidden adore.
"M.A.G", the title of this exciting simple scroll action shooting game, is an abbreviation of Miko Action Game.
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