She is Taiwanese in her late-twenties who lives and works in Singapore. At that time she was going to join a match making party.
"I don't think I will meet a right guy at the party." She said.
That night we were talking on Skype.
"Love is not something you souhld think about or serch for. You just fall in it. It's an unhealthy activity, basically. You can't control it." I said, lying on a couch next to the bed.
"That's not what I expect... Maybe that's why we're (still) friends. Anyway I just wanna enjoy the party. Can you help me make my profile photo? I have to upload it on their website."
"Sure, you want a photo of yourself putting those Samurai helmets on?"
"Of course. But it's up to you."
I wan't sure whether she meant I would send a nice, sexy Samurai helmet to Singapore or just make a composite with Photoshop.
But it turned out the duty would cost about as same as the helmet itself to send it there. Of course it made me think twice about whether it is really worth the price. Is that really nessesary to post an image of herself as a profile photo for the matching party? I figured it's not, as long as people can catch something about her personality from the image, any photo works.
And after all that's why she asked me to make the profile photo, I thought with a firm confidence.
Next day, right after my granpa went out for a walk, I grabbed a camera and sneaked into granpa's storage room, where Samurai helmets were stored. There were seven helmets, three of them were green, another three were blue and one was red. I took them in hands one by one, weighed them, examined their quality. Without a doubt I figured the red one is the best since she is a pretty girl.
It was shiny and tiny, way too tiny. First I tried to put it on my own head, but it was too tight as though Frankenstein was pushing my head from the both sides of the head. This is gonna crush my skull!! I took it off, and searched around to look for alternative, nice ideas. Then suddenly I heard a very loud sound behind me. I turned around quickly and found it was a dog, mocha Boston terrier was burkng at me. But I was wrong, it soon turned out, he was burking at the red Samurai helmet. He jumped at the helmet and I, being upset, threw it high in the air. The helmet was slipped into his head in the air as he raising his head up toward the sky. His ninja jump was very high and so long that it made me want to give him a title of Air. Everything happned in seconds but it felt like a slow motion.
I don't know why but at that moment I intuitively thought he is exactly the one she and I was looking for. I briskly grabbed my camera and took a picture of him wearing red shiny Samurai helmets and posing confidently.
After I took several photos of him, he seemed to think that he got his job done, he suddenly disappeared with the helmet still putting on his head before I even noticed. I felt It was something like a destiny, so I didn't even try to run after him.
After I went back in my room, I send the pictures of the dog to her in which he posed like a knight with his eyes a little squinted. She seemed to be satisfied with it and uploaded it on the match making party's website.
It was 2 weeks since that day when I met that dog when I heard the news on CNN international that says Samurai dog has quickly become a viral sensation in Singapore. My mouth dropped when in that CNN report I saw she, the Taiwanese girl, was walking with the Air, the mocha Boston terrier along Marina bay bridge. The dog's still putting on Samurai helmet like it's become a part of his body, or it might used to be a missing part of his body which he'd been looking for, desperately and loyally. I rushed to a laptop and typed 'samurai dog' in the search bar, and Google showed over 3 million search results for the word . I also found out that Youtube's most viewed video ranking today, this week, this month was all dominated by this topic, and as always it looked like Raywilliamjohnson shared his humor on this phenomenon.
At this night I called her on Skype.
"Now I feel like I will win everything. You know what, the party is tomorrow." she said in a sweet voice, "Good luck." I clicked End call button softly. "Good luck."
The day after that, I went running with my granpa. It was a wonderful weather in Tokyo, and we really enjoyed running. I thought this was a good opportunity to talk to him about what has happened to his samurai helmet. I turned to him as I run, and that was exactly when I said "Hey granpa, you know that dogs sometimes travel overseas like us...", the dog running towards us from behind, and jumped at my granpa. He licked granpa's cheek, then run straight through us to a far, far away place, his destination. I turned to granpa, and he looked so calm, staring at the dog gradually vanishing from the sight. I decided not to talk about the dog and the helmet anymore, maybe granpa already knew it when the dog licked him, or he might not know about anything and just feeling nice running in such a nice weather. But at this point that doesn't matter, All we have to do is just continue running. As I run, I realized that the dog didn't wear the helmet when we saw him just minutes ago, where did the helmet go?
After about an hour-long running, we went back home. I lay down on a sofa and turned TV on with remote controller, and push channel 1 to watch CNN. It was about 6:30 in the evening, about a time for world report section of it's international news from Hong Kong. The first topic today was a live report from Singapore which was following a match making party there, I thought, but soon I realized I was wrong. The Indian-British news anchor was reporting about the girl who has become a national famous figure in Singapore in literally one night. She was wearing a helmet, and before I saw her face I already got the idea of who she was. I'd just forgotten that her head was really small. Probably she will win tonight, I mumbled to myself.