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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Moe(萌え) character maker

This is how a Moe character appears on an evening edition's front page of major Japanese newspaper.

The article says “Now you can make a Moe character easily by using a software on PC. ... You may find Moe characters more and more often on cases or wrapping of products, or as mascots of local tourism, etc.”

A software company based in Tokyo developed the program “Comi Po” that you can make your own version of anime like character on your own PC with.

‘Cause it’s not only about hobby but this software will expand a possibility for small companies or small towns to make their commercial mascot at very cheap price (just 40 USD, as far as I know).

here is their website or
Russian (roulette) cookie
"I don't care if you eat this or not!" "10 of 12 cookies are super spicy." "I warn you this is so spicy!"
Souvenir shop selling sweets from Hokkaido
I’m pretty doubtful that this kind of package design is becoming a new standard, I think it just looks weird and seems just attracts people who are looking for weird gifts from Japan to make fun of.

But after two decades of economic stagnation, Pop culture have been becoming seen as one of few things that have a potential to grow globally from Japan, and I guess, the border between mainstream Manga/Anime and somewhat pornographic ones (be sure that I don’t mean real porno) are slowly but gradually disappearing.

But is this giving a bad name to Japan? Because I believe no sane person look them as a thing to be displayed in main section of normal souvenir shops, normal media, normal bookshops, or anything normal.
I think it’s just for fans, but in Japan and the world, fans of this kind of lolita anime thing are extremely enthusiastic and spend a lot of money, makes these characters effective marketing tools, even major newspaper put a cute picture of Moe girl on their front page. In the real world, it just as peculiar as the front page of newspaper where a Moe girl smiling above the grim news articles.

Real Japanese Girls are as cute as cute as virtual Anime Girls. Don't forget that :)


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